How To Be A Cyber Forensics Technician

By Sherry Gross

If you want to be involved in this industry, then there are some points that you have to remember. This is the part where in the usefulness of this article comes in. Thus, take advantage of the paragraphs below so you would be prepared for the career path that you are about to take.

The first thing that you need to do as a technician in this department is to extract data from all the evidences which have been gathered in the crime scene. If the evidences include a computer, then it is your responsibility as a cyber forensics Santa Clara expert to take that object apart. You would have to navigate through it with the use of your skills.

If you already have the data in your disposal, then you will need to find the safest places where you will be able to store it. This can be a USB stick but you have to wear that stick around your neck all the time. It will also be best for you to come up with a backup for your files just in case they get lost.

As for the interpretation of the data, you have to accept the fact that this is not going to be a one man show. Yes, other people will take credit on the work that was originally yours but that is all part of your job. Besides, you will also be doing the same for your colleagues. So, take no offense when they come to the room and offer their help.

If you are comfortable being in front of your superiors, then you will have to get used to that from now on. As a technician, you are required to do presentations from time to time. Since you are the expert when it comes to these things, then you have no choice but to explain the data to your bosses in the simplest manner possible.

Now, if everything has gone well during your presentation, then you can expect the real investigation to proceed that. Thus, you have to condition yourself again to talk with another set of people. If you need some minutes to do your prep talk, then you can have that luxury as long as you will be on top of the situation constantly.

When it comes to navigating inside your lab, you would just have to get acquainted with the equipment that can be found in there. This may be a little bit hard to do in the beginning but you would certainly get used to them in no time. So, have patience because this is all part of the contract that you have signed in.

If ever your case has already reached the court, then you are the one assigned to prepare all the evidences. Thus, you have to make your appearances one way or another. If this is not possible because of your tight schedule, then you can just ask your assistant to represent you in court.

Overall, this field can actually be a simple one. You will just have to acquire the necessary training and you are good to go. You will already get the job that you have always dreamt about.

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